However, like women, the male G-spot is one of the main topics of intense discussion among sexologists and doctors around the world. Some experts believe this is another myth that has emerged due to the growth of the porn industry and the growing popularity of glossy women's and men's magazines. Others believe that subtly stimulating a man's G-spot can give them the strongest orgasm in the entire perineum, from the penis to the anus. Let's try to find out who is right and who is wrong.
be opposed to"
Unlike the controversy over the existence of a female G-spot, in this case both sides of the conflict seem to agree that there is a cherish spot, or more precisely, the area in the male body. It is understandable that few would question the reality of the prostate.
However, many sexologists believe that the vast majority of men do not like prostate massage. They attribute this to several factors:
Not all strong men like to introduce foreign objects, even the fingers of their loved ones, into a secret place like their body's rectum.
Agreed, concepts like poop removal and sexual pleasure are somehow poorly related to each other.
lack of feeling
Stimulation of the prostate is accompanied by the onset of sexual pleasure, which is not the case for all men.
In addition, the attitude of doctors to prostate massage, even for the medical purpose of treating prostatitis, is by no means ambiguous. In Western countries, prostate massage was excluded from the list of recommended treatments as early as 1968 in modern medical guidelines for the treatment of prostatitis. On the other hand, prostate massage is widely used in developing countries. Therefore, many Americans travel to the Philippines for this type of massage class.
However, almost all physicians agree that prostate massage should be performed by specialists with proper medical education and skills related to this complex medical and diagnostic procedure.
Advocates of prostate stimulation in the love game give the following arguments in their favor:
First of all, this massage is a good way to prevent prostatitis, which lies in waiting for a man approaching his 40th birthday and impotence, a disease that men of all ages are more or less prone to.
Second, prostate massage is an excellent remedy for the now-popular "blue" experiment and leftward travel. Additionally, many women believe that if their partner allows them to do so, it means they have a special place in his life.
Third, erotic prostate massage techniques have little to do with medical massage techniques. Medical procedures can be compared to using ordinary, cheap powders and best-effort wiping grease off the stove. An erotic massage by the gentle hands of a partner is something else entirely.
Fourth, many sexologists recommend external prostate massage as an alternative to ensure it can deliver the same sweet sensation.
It's up to you to try a male G-spot during sex. Just weigh the pros and cons and make sure to discuss this with your partner or partner.